Recruiting Experts
We’re real people with real jobs and real dreams, and we know you are too. Our team is made up of industry professionals who understand the difference between pair vs. mob programming, or the merits of C++ vs. Java. We know which skills are ‘nice to haves’ and which are necessities and we’re keeping a close eye on the rise of React Native (and all its controversies).
If you partner with us, know that we won’t bombard you with options or push you in the wrong direction; our only aim is to offer guidance and help coach you through this important decision.
While you or your HR team have the capacity to review maybe 10-20 candidates, we have already built relationships with thousands of technology professionals in your area. That means we can compare and contrast even subtle differences in backgrounds to quickly distinguish between a great fit and a costly bad hire.
Ready to take the next step in your career? Tens of thousands of companies are desperate to hire technology professionals across the nation. We’ll help you find the right role at the right company (with the right manager!), coach you through the interview process, and aid in negotiating your compensation.
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